


20th International Conference on Moral and Political Philosophy

AEEFP - UIB, Palma 12-15 May, 2020

New Ethical and Political Subjects

In accordance with the decision made at the Ordinary General Assembly of the Spanish Association of Ethics and Political Philosophy (AEEFP), held on October 4, 2018 in Ferrol, and backed on May 30, 2019 during the annual assembly at the Institute of Philosophy of the CSIC in Madrid, the next XX International Conference on Ethics and Political Philosophy: New ethical and political subjects will be held at the Palma venue of the University of the Balearic Islands - UIB from May 12 to 15, 2020. 

This meeting, held biennially since 1976 thanks to the initiative of Javier Muguerza, moves for the first time to the Balearic Islands, from the previous edition at the Ferrol venue of the University of Coruña. In the vein of this long and solid trajectory, it is the goal of the forthcoming event to contribute to keep and enrich the community of research and dialogue woven in these meetings, as well as to strengthen its international, particularly Latin American and European, bonds. To this end, the thematic framework for this international conference, New ethical and political subjects, is proposed as an open horizon for debating on contemporary challenges for ethical and political theory and praxis. 

The conference will be held in the university venue of the Sa Riera building, in the center of Palma city. This location is perfectly connected with the rest of the city and island, as well with the port and airport, just at a few minutes distance in public transport.

This XXth edition of the Week on Moral and Political Philosophy is backed by the Spanish Association of Moral and Political Philosophy (AEEFP), the University of the Balearic Islands - UIB, the Department of Philosophy and Social Work at the UIB, The European Union's FEDER and the Spanish Ministery for Industry, Economy and Competitiveness - MINECO through the State Secretariat for Research, Development and Innovation and the State Research Agency (AEI) thanks to the support for the research project Public Sphere Project and Emerging Subjects (FFI2016-75603-R, AEI/FEDER, UE).


